Housing construction slows due to uncertainty surrounding EU referendum and skills shortages


Despite huge government commitment to the sector, the construction industry has seen a slowdown in confidence and workload in the last three months.

A poll by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors found that the level of construction work in the private housing sector is rising at the slowest pace since 2013.

The construction market survey revealed that 36pc more respondents reported a rise, rather than a fall, in the private housing sector, compared to 50pc in the first quarter of 2015.

The survey pointed to some anecdotal evidence of building starts being postponed due to the pending EU referendum. Simon Rubinsohn, chief economist at RICS, said that he “cannot discount the climate of uncertainty caused by the forthcoming EU referendum.

"We know that a range of sectors have been affected by these issues as investors look to delay any decisions until a final outcome has been determined, and construction is no exception.”

Financial constraints, labour shortages and planning delays contributed to the slowdown, with 59pc of those surveyed saying that a lack of bricklayers and quantity surveyors were significant barriers to growth. Skills shortages have driven average wages up by 7pc in the year to January.

Mr. Rubinsohn added: “One might well ask why growth in private housing workloads is softening at a time when a policy is firmly focused on the creation of new starter homes. We have long held the view that starter homes cannot be the only solution.”

Last week, the Office for National Statistics reported that construction output fell by 0.3pc in February, compared with January. Last month, the Markit/Cips UK construction purchasing managers’ index recorded the  slowest rise in house building since the summer of 2013.

A survey of house builders by property consultancy McBains Coopers found that 49pc of respondents said they were not worried about EU withdrawal, and 31pc were concerned about the prospect.


Refernce: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/04/19/housing-construction-slows-due-to-uncertainty-surrounding-eu-ref/

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