London's new expanding city will become home to 60,000 'East Enders'


East London's new city:dramatic expansion of Royal Docks continues with big new housing schemes, an extended City airport — and Crossrail is coming


The expansion of London City airport, Crossrail’s eagerly awaited arrival at Custom House and big new housing schemes with award-winning architecture are driving Royal Docks’ transformation into a major new east London district.

Right now, 11,000 people live at “the Royals” but within a few years there could be 60,000, with 25,000 more homes and 60,000 new jobs created.

This raw former industrial hinterland, with its big skies, acres of waterways and reinvigorated docks has great potential: think Isle of Dogs in the Eighties but much bigger.

The borough of Newham’s new mayor, Rokhsana Fiaz, is determined to ensure local people will benefit from change: “In the nine months I’ve been in office, the Royal Docks Enterprise Zone has become the most exciting area,” she says. “The potential of the Royals is compelling. It is a key new district of a global city. After about 70-plus masterplans, we’ve finally got to a position where things are moving.


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